Contact Lens Consultations and Fittings
Contact lenses are corrective lenses that sit on the surface of your cornea, providing the same type of vision correction as eyeglasses. In the not too distant past, contact lenses came in one form, so-called hard lenses that did not allow oxygen to permeate to the eye. Fortunately for patients today, the good news is that you have many choices in lenses. However, finding the right lens - the lens that provides you with optimum comfort and vision - can take time and patience. With the complexity of available lenses, you and your contact lens fitter will work as a team to determine the best solution for your vision needs.
At Kadrmas Eye Care New England, you will first see your eye doctor, who will conduct a comprehensive eye examination including a dilated eye exam / slit lamp examination, tonometry, visual acuity test, and refraction.
The refraction test will determine whether you are myopic (nearsighted), hyperopic (farsighted), presbyopic, and / or astigmatic. In addition, the results will be used to determine the appropriate prescription for your eyeglasses and contact lenses.
If you decide that you would like to wear contact lenses, in most cases, a separate appointment will be made for you to work with our contact lens fitter. The lens fitter is a technician, who has taken many specialized courses of study in all aspects of contact lenses. He / she will help you select the lenses which best meet your vision needs and will work with you as you try different lens options. This service is available at our Plymouth office and our East Wareham office.
With the variety of lens options available today, most people can be fitted with contact lenses that are comfortable and meet their vision needs. We are frequently asked if children and teenagers can safely wear lenses. This depends upon the discipline and maturity of the child, since rigorous adherence to the protocols of cleaning, disinfecting, and replacing lenses is essential. An undisciplined teenager who doesn’t follow the protocols is at risk for developing complications such as an infection, while a highly motivated and disciplined pre-teen may be a good candidate for contact lenses.
If your child wishes to wear lenses, you should have a discussion with your eye care provider. Kadrmas Eye Care New England will only prescribe contact lenses to children under age 18 with parental consent.
Types of Contact Lenses
Contact lenses can be classified in many different ways, including what they are made of, how long they can be worn, and specialty vision correction, among others. Visit our Contact Lens Types Page to learn more about the different types of contact lenses, including:
- Soft Contact Lenses
- Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses
- Disposable Contact Lenses
- Rigid Contact Lenses
Contact Lens Risks
If you wear contact lenses, there is always some risk of an infection such as keratitis, as well as corneal abrasion or ulcer. You should examine your lenses carefully before inserting to ensure that they are not torn or damaged, as a torn lens can lead to a corneal abrasion. If you follow the recommended protocols for wearing, cleaning, disinfecting and replacing your contact lenses, the risk of complications is relatively small.
Should you experience any of the following symptoms, you should stop wearing your contact lenses and make an appointment to see your eye doctor as soon as possible:
- Pain and / or soreness
- Feeling like something is in your eye (that remains after your lens is removed)
- Redness
- Tearing
- Sensitivity to light