Understanding Common Emotions Related to AMD & Low VisionIt’s common to experience a variety of emotions if you have been diagnosed with AMD or low vision. Knowing what you feel is normal and can be worked through can help. Some possible emotions you might experience include the following: Sadness Some people may develop feelings of sadness. It’s completely understandable to feel upset at decreasing vision. Consider talking about your emotions with someone you trust. Sometimes just acknowledging how you feel can help. It may also be helpful to remember you can still live a full, active life with low vision. Fear Some people also develop fear. Fear of loss of independence or privacy is common. It’s concerning to think about becoming dependent on others. Learning more about tools to help you live with low vision and all of the resources available can ease fears. Anxiety Not knowing what the future will bring can make anyone a bit anxious. If you are told you have an eye disease, you might wonder if you will lose your vision completely. Talking to your ophthalmologist about what to expect can go a long way in relieving anxiety. Guilt You might find you have feelings of guilt if you can’t do what you use to. It’s common to worry about relying on others too much and think you’ll be a burden. Remember, if you needed to assist a loved one, you would likely want to help. Your family and friends probably feel the same. Also, focusing on developing new skills and ways to adapt can help you maintain your confidence and decrease negative emotions. Learning To Cope With Low VisionIt can be overwhelming to find out you have an eye disease that can lead to low vision. One of the most common concerns is losing your independence, but with the proper adjustments and support, you can still work, enjoy activities and hobbies, and fully participate in life. Learning to adjust and cope emotionally is one of the first steps to continue to live well with low vision. Tips To Adapt To Low VisionIf you or a loved one has been diagnosed with AMD or low vision, there are several things you can do to adapt to the situation that will help both emotionally and practically. Consider the following tips: Become Educated We often fear what we don’t fully understand. That’s why learning more about your eye disease can be so helpful. An ophthalmologist is a good place to start for information. The American Academy of Ophthalmology is also a good resource for information on AMD and low vision. Reach Out Talking with others that are going through similar issues is often useful. Reach out and find support through local organizations. Another option is online support groups. The International Low Vision Support Group Network may be able to point you in the right direction. Communicate Openly Talk with your family and friends, and be honest about what you need and don’t need. Being honest will not only help you, but it makes it easier for your loved ones to understand how they can help. Leaning on the people closest to you is a great way to cope with common emotions that may develop due to low vision. Access Services There are various services available for people with low vision through state, federal, and private organizations. Services may include rehabilitation and employment training, transportation, and financial assistance. Utilize Technology Fortunately, today’s technology provides many products, such as voice-activated phones, computers, and appliances that work well for someone with low vision. There are also many products on the market specifically for people that have vision loss. The American Foundation for the Blind provides a database of assistive devices that can help. You can view their list of Low Vision Optical Devices here. Have Regular Eye ExamsIf you have AMD or low vision, it’s vital to continue to have regular eye exams. Routine eye exams can keep track of the regression or progression of vision problems. Exams also ensure you are getting the best treatment for your situation.
Lastly, it’s important to realize you are not alone, services are available, and your ophthalmologist is here to help. If you have any questions, need an eye exam, would like to schedule an appointment with one of our eye doctors, please call our office at 508-746-8600. Thank you. Comments are closed.
July 2024